Design Complete Streets for Free, with
best-practice guidance from ITE & CNU.

  • Go to StreetPlan now, for FREE!
  • Print a flier for your break room.
  • Share 60-second video with friends.
  • Discover Place-Making traffic mgt. strategies

What is StreetPlan? is a free web-based drag & drop tool for creating Complete Streets in just minutes. StreetPlan analyzes your design as you make it, giving you Red / Yellow / Green Best Practice guidance from “Designing Walkable Thoroughfares,” a joint publication of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Congress for New Urbanism (ITE and CNU). You can also start from templates designed by NACTO.

How StreetPlan can help…

    Public-Sector Planners
  • Gain quick consensus on what stakeholders want, so you can focus on how to get it!
  • Depict low-cost “tactical upgrades,” and later phases of transition.
  • Create typical section standards for new streets
  • Save time/money with do-it-yourself high-res graphics for your plans and meetings
  • Hire architects & engineers for 3D after stakeholders agree on basic elements.
  • Get public feedback on your ideas
  • Create excitement for Complete Streets and Sustainable Development
  • Encourage consultants to use StreetPlan for your plans and corridor studies
    Architects and Consultants
  • Gain competitive advantage with StreetPlan’s “free and fast” renderings
  • Engage stakeholders on-line, or at meetings where ideas emerge in real time.
  • Once stakeholders unify around a smaller set of ideas, create higher-quality 3D renderings in your normal way.
    Concerned Citizens
  • Sketch your neighborhood’s ugly, fast streets, then sketch what you’d do to improve the situation and rally your neighbors to city hall!
    Is it Really Free? YES!

It’s FREE! As in, no strings attached. If you like it, you’ll need to register to save your work, but we won’t spam you endlessly or pass your email on to others. We’ll restrict any emails to letting you know about upgrades and directly relevant information.

Start using StreetPlan here now! No download or registration required!

Note: StreetPlan is brand new. It has bugs that we know about, and bugs we hope you’ll tell us about. If you find opportunities for improvement, please let us know!